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Hato Hone St John Poipoia te Pitomota programme for rangatahi – 15-19 April 2024

Poipoia te Pitomota is a 5-day programme which focusses on leadership, first aid and wellbeing for rangatahi. It’s happening at the Victory Community Centre in the April school holidays. There is no cost and kai is provided each day. Spaces are limited. For more details, contact [email protected].

Poipoia te Pitomata
Nurturing the potential of our rangatahi

Leadership, first aid and wellbeing for rangatahi 14 – 25 years of age

Poipoi means to nurture and grow, and the kaupapa of this programme is about harnessing the potential of rangatahi (young people) through nurturing them to improve their confidence and to contemplate their futures. It gives participants knowledge and skills in leadership, first aid, and wellbeing.

Who is it for?
Poipoia te Pitomata is for any rangatahi that would otherwise not have access to gaining skills around their own leadership journeys.

What does it cost?
There is no cost for this programme and kai will be provided each day.

How does it work?
Poipoia te Pitomata is delivered by experienced Hato Hone St John Community Educators and consists of five days with flexibility of delivery.

Participants can work towards three tohu matihiko (digital badges), which outline key competencies demonstrated and achieved throughout the programme:
– Rangatiratanga badge (Leadership) – Strengthening participants’ voice and confidence through strengths, abilities, and self-management.
– Whakaora whāwhai badge (First aid) – Improving health literacy through first aid knowledge and skills.
– Whatumanawa badge (Wellbeing) – Engaging in tools and techniques to improve physical and mental wellbeing, and resilience.

On completion of the programme, three tohu matihiko (digital badges) are presented to participants along with a small first aid kit.

Register to book your space today

For more details, please contact [email protected]

Attached information: Poster

Article type:

Meetings, events and training

Start date: April 15, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM
End Date: April 19, 2024
End Time: 3:00 PM
Venue: Victory Community Centre
2 Totara Street
New Zealand

Cost: 0

Contact Name: Sally Jarvie

Contact Email: [email protected]

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