School and Year Start-up Payments are open now from Work and Income. People who are caring for children with Orphan’s or Unsupported Child’s Benefit are eligible.
Dementia Friendly Reading Group in Elma Turner Library
Relax – while a great story or poem is read to you, and then enjoy exploring it in a fun and friendly way.
Meet the first Wednesday of every month.
Relax – while a great story or poem is read to you, and then enjoy exploring it in a fun and friendly way.
There is no pressure to read, and you can take part in the discussion as much or as little as you want.
Shared reading groups are an enjoyable way to give your mind a workout and to make connections with others. Members have reported feeling calmer and clearer minded, and research shows that shared reading groups promote wellbeing as well as promoting language skills.
For more information, ask a friendly librarian when you visit the library or contact via phone (03)5468100 or email [email protected].
Article type:
Venue: Elma Turner Library
27 Halifax Street
New Zealand
Contact Name: Hui-wen (Piri) Lin
Contact Phone: 035468100
Contact Email: [email protected]