Te Tauihu Strengthening the Sector Survey Report 2023
At the end of 2023, a survey was sent out to the community sector across Te Tauihu. The attached report summarises the responses from the 164 participants.
At the end of 2023, a survey was sent out to the community sector across Te Tauihu. The attached report summarises the responses from the 164 participants.
Positive Ageing Expo is back. Saturday 6 April, 10am - 2pm Headingly Centre, Richmond
At Women of Worth we provide ways, founded on personal worth, for women in Aotearoa New Zealand to make the changes they desire in their lives. That’s our purpose, why we exist.
Parent to Parent is looking for an enthusiastic Regional Coordinator in the Nelson/Marlborough/Tasman region with exceptional people skills, who is empathetic, flexible and highly organised and who can relate to a wide variety of people.
This short article is about Epilepsy New Zealand and Purple Day on Tuesday the 26th of March 2024. It explains what Purple Day is, how you can get involved and what events are being held in the Tasman/Nelson region.
Nelson City Council's Rethink Waste Whakaarohia annual waste minimisation grants programme opens on 26 February and closes on 5 April. Up to $40,000 is available (minimum $2,000, maximum $10,000 per project), for community-led projects which avoid or reduce waste. More information can be found here: www.nelson.govt.nz/waste-minimisation-grants-programme
Adult Beginner Orchestra - 11:45am Orchestra Club - 1:15pm NCMA Youth Orchestra - 4:45pm Greenhill Orchestra - 6:30pm
Inspire your mid-week with music. Join us on Thursdays 12.30pm at The Nelson Centre of Musical Arts when we present the 2024 Nelson Pine Industries Ltd Lunchtime Concert Series. We are thrilled to bring you an exciting programme of concerts this year and look forward to seeing you here soon.
A wide selection of Adult Short Courses in Music and Movement starting towards the end of February.
Violence against women is not OK. Citizens Advice Bureau Nelson Tasman joined the Love Grace Appeal and is a collection point for handbags. Please view attached poster with suggestions of suitable items to put into a bag. The appeal runs between 14.February and 9.March 2024.