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Establishing a regional community development agency

The intention of developing a regional community development agency is to support a strong, connected and well-resourced community sector, so organisations can work more effectively to support the wellbeing of our communities.

The intention of developing a regional community development agency is to support a strong, connected and well-resourced community sector, so organisations can work more effectively to support the wellbeing of our communities.

Why an agency and why now?

  • We are seeing a shift from top down to community up and we want our region to be in the best possible position to leverage this shift, to collaborate and increase our local capacity to support wellbeing and secure funding.
  • For many community groups the back office and governance requirements are drawing on the time and focus they want to provide to the people and whānau they are serving.
  • Some community groups are struggling on their own and are looking to connect and network.
  • Some community groups want to collaborate, create efficiencies and increase the breadth and depth of their services to attract additional funding from local and central government and from other funders.
  • The local and government sectors are in the process of significant multi-year reforms focused on wellbeing that are all looking to increase the participation of communities in the design and delivery of services to support people to thrive in place.

Following community engagement hui at Saxton in May and online early June, an establishment group has been formed of people who expressed an interest to be involved at these hui. The establishment group has met twice and are focusing on building terms of reference, clarifying agency vision and purpose, structuring themselves for the work of establishing the agency, building relationships and engaging the community sector across the top of the south.

If you would like to stay connected to the kaupapa as we establish the agency please subscribe to our newsletter

Attached information: Flyer

Article type:

News and information

Contact Name: Leigh Manson

Contact Email: [email protected]

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