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23 people, 230 seconds, 2/3 questions, 23 photographs

Tuku 23 film explores connection and belonging in Whakatū Nelson through 23 participants’ insightful responses in a concise 230-second clip. Accompanied by 23 photographs, this project by Cultural Conversations fosters cultural diversity appreciation among Nelson’s refugee and migrant communities through art, music, and storytelling programs.

Tuku 23 film exhibition explores the themes of connection and belonging with particular reference to living in Whakatū Nelson. We have created a film in which each of the 23 participants was asked 2-3 questions on this topic. Their answers have been captured and artfully woven together into a 230-second clip.

Watch the video by clicking here.

Cultural Conversations is a community-based arts hub that facilitates opportunities for people from Nelson’s former refugee and migrant communities to share music, art and storytelling through creative programs, workshops, and events. The primary outcome of these sessions is to enhance knowledge, awareness, and appreciation for the cultural diversity that makes up the Nelson region as well as wider Aotearoa New Zealand.

Attached information: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3, Photo 4

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News and information

Contact Name: Rami Riachi
Contact Phone: 0220980904
Contact Email: [email protected]

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