School and Year Start-up Payments are open now from Work and Income. People who are caring for children with Orphan’s or Unsupported Child’s Benefit are eligible.
Equine Therapy -Being with Horses
Being with Horses has space coming available end of October including after school spaces.
Funding available Gumboot Friday, WINZ if criteria met
At Being with Horses, you will spend time with the horses who will help you develop trust, build on self-esteem and confidence teach you how to relax and connect with other s and be aware of your emotions.
Horses are used because they can think congruently, meaning they know what you are thinking inside.
The horse will know if you are angry, sad, or scared on the inside and they will give you feedback very quickly. A horse will move away from an angry person and follow someone they trust.
Horses are such powerful animals to be around they are social animals with their own personalities. They mirror human emotion and reflect our feelings.
Being with Horses is also about the experience of being grounded in the paddock with large animals enjoying nature resulting in families coming together and individuals being able to relax in a stress-free environment.
The horse is the perfect mirror and an excellent counsellor for people who don’t take to talking therapies.
There is no riding at Being with Horses
BWH is owned and facilitated by – Julie Smith – 16 years Social Work experience, member of NZSWRB and ANZASW.
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Contact Name: Julie Smith – Being with Horses
Contact Phone: 021-944459
Contact Email: [email protected]