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Introduction to Qi Gong for Men’s Wellbeing

Movember looks at mental and physical health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion.
Join us for a Qi Gong session at Nightingale Library Memorial in this special session for men’s wellbeing. Enjoy the fresh air as we go though a range of Qi Gong movements.
Email [email protected] to book in, or drop in if you are passing by!

Nightingale Library Memorial
Tuesday 28 November

Attached information: Poster

Article type:

Meetings, events and training

Start date: November 28, 2023
Start time: 10:30 AM
End Date: November 28, 2023
End Time: 11:30 AM
Venue: Nightingale Library Memorial

New Zealand

Cost: 0

Contact Name: Hui-wen (Piri) Lin

Contact Email: [email protected]

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