School and Year Start-up Payments are open now from Work and Income. People who are caring for children with Orphan’s or Unsupported Child’s Benefit are eligible.
Life Linc Nelson’s 50th Anniversary Call-Out
Have you, or someone you know, been a part of the Lifeline Nelson or Life Linc Nelson organization over the last 50 years? We are keen to invite you to our 50th celebration in early October. Email Debbie at [email protected] to get the details.
Have you, or someone you know, been a part of the Lifeline Nelson or Life Linc Nelson organization over the last 50 years? We are keen to invite you to our 50th celebration in early October.
Life Linc Nelson has been providing affordable counselling to the Nelson-Tasman region for the last 50 years. First established as a phone counselling service under Lifeline Nelson, we have been evolving over the years and currently have counselling rooms in Nelson, Richmond and Motueka providing face to face counselling.
If you were on our phone roster, a previous counsellor, board member, office staff or supporter of Lifeline Nelson or Life Linc, then please get in touch. We are emailing out our invitations soon and have years of people who were part of the organisation where all we have is a phone number contact. We need email addresses! 🙂
Email Debbie at [email protected] to get the details and get on the list. We’d love to celebrate with as many people as we can from our history.
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Contact Name: Debbie Brooks
Contact Email: [email protected]