Workshops 2021:
Topic | Synopsis | Aimed At | Date | |
1 | NFP Basics (for migrant and Pacific people) |
Getting Organised Do you know the difference between a Charitable Trust and a Registered Charity, and why it is important? Are your officers protected by limited liability? Do you understand what exactly ‘no pecuniary benefit’ means? This workshop covers those must-know basics of setting up and running a community organisation that we rarely think about, but that can have a huge impact when something goes wrong. |
People involved inrunning groups for ethnic minorities, and people thinking of starting a group | 14th April |
2 | Your Organisation’s Constitution | A look at an organisation’s rules: different types of entities, legal requirements, purpose of rules, difference between Constitution and Policy, how to make sure an organisation adheres to their rules. | Governance members, especially chairs and secretaries | 19th May |
3 | Committee Meetings and Roles | How to run meetings: purpose and content of an agenda, how to deal with conflict of interest, continuity of meeting records. Committee roles: purpose of the traditional committee roles (president, secretary, treasurer), and their tasks and roles. | Governance members | 16th June |
4 | Grants, Contracts & Accountability | Conditions for accepting grants and government contracts, the difference between the two, bookkeeping and financial reporting issues with grants and contracts, managing grant-dependent organisations and accountability. | Treasurers, chairs, administrators, managers, co-ordinators | 21st July |
5 | Costing & Budgeting | Budgets can be cast in different ways, depending on what they are meant to achieve: financial oversight, cash monitoring or forecasting the cost of a new project. This workshop covers how to create them and (more importantly) what to do with them. | Treasurers, managers | NEW DATE 17th November 2021 |
6 | Financial Governance | Financial Governance requires some financial literacy and much of this workshop is dedicated to understanding financial information. It also covers what reports should be presentated at a meeting and how, questions a committee member should ask and procedures around financial delegation. | Board members | NEW DATE 8th December |
7 | Internal Controls & Financial Policy | Internal Controls are about keeping an organisation’s assets (cash and others) safe. This workshop encourages participants to think about the risk areas in their organisation and how expensive errors of misappropriation of money could be prevented of detected. These considerations guide financial policy. | Treasurers, chairs, managers, administrators | 27th October |