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Checkmate, mate – Chess Workshop
Join our chess workshop: Checkmate, mate. Explore chess with Rami Riachi through games, quizzes, puzzles, and variants like 4-player chess. Open to beginners and intermediate players of all ages. Each participant gets a Chia Sisters juice. Enhance your skills in a fun, supportive environment.
Join us for an exciting chess workshop: Checkmate, mate. Explore the intricate world of chess with Chess Instructor Rami Riachi as we delve into games, concepts, a fun quiz, puzzles, tactics, and exciting variants like 4-player chess. This immersive session caters to beginners and intermediate players of all ages. Analize games and participate in friendly matches to enhance your skills. As an added bonus, each participant will receive a refreshing Chia Sisters juice during our session. Level up your chess skills in a dynamic and supportive environment. We suggest a donation of $5-$20 to support former refugees and migrants. If the event is fully booked, please email [email protected] to be added to the waiting list. Check you later!
Attached information: Flyer
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Contact Name: Ramiro Riachi
Contact Phone: 0220980904
Contact Email: [email protected]