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Not-for-profit organisations and Inland Revenue
Unsure of tax obligations for your Not-for-profit organisation? Join our free seminar and
we’ll introduce some of our key tools and resources to help make it easier to manage.
Unsure of tax obligations for your Not-for-profit organisation? Join our free seminar and
we’ll introduce some of our key tools and resources to help make it easier to manage.
Register for our seminar to learn about:
o IRD number application process
o Types of organisations
o Income for tax purposes
o Types of exemptions and deductions
o Keeping records
o Goods and services tax
o Employing staff
This seminar is being held with support from Department of Internal Affairs and is ideal
for new Not-for-profit organisations, people new to finance for their organisation or
people not sure of the organisation’s tax obligations.
Attached information: PDF
Article type:
Start date: June 13, 2024
Start time: 10:00 AM
End Date: June 13, 2024
End Time: 11:30 AM
Venue: Inland Revenue, 5th Floor, Civic House, Cnr Trafalgar and Halifax Sts, Nelson
110 Trafalgar Street, level 5 Civic House
New Zealand
Cost: Free
Contact Name: IRD
Contact Email: [email protected]